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The Art & Science of Crafting Coconut Soy Wax: A Journey from Farm to Candle

have you ever wondered what makes your favorite candle burn so beautifully? Chances are, it's made with coconut soy wax, a blend that's both eco-friendly and luxurious. Let's break down...

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The Benefits Of Scented Candles: How Scents Can Change Your Mood With Aromatherapy

Hey Scent Lovers, Have you ever wondered why a whiff of something delightful instantly brightens your day? Did you know scents have the incredible power to stir up different emotions and...

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Room and Linen Spray Safety Tips You Need To Know

Welcome, fellow fragrance enthusiasts! At Chill Babe Candle Co., we know you appreciate the power of scent to create the perfect ambiance in your space. Today, we're here to talk...

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10 Wax Melt Safety Tips You Need To Know

Hey there, wax melt lovers! We know many of you love wax melts due to the fact that there's no flame. It feel safer, right? Well, did you know even wax...

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Why Are Candles Giving You Headaches?

Why Are Candles Giving You Headaches? Picture it, you just bought a beautiful new candle. You get it home, light it, and within 5-10 minutes you have a splitting headache....

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Why Are My Candle Tops Bumpy When They Dry?

Why are the tops of my candles bumpy after I burn them? You just got a candle delivery and you're so excited! You light your fresh candle and you love...

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Candle Care Guide: How To Care For Your Candles

Click here to read about the easy ways you can care for your candles to ensure you get the most use out of them!

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How We Work To Make Our Candle Business More Sustainable

At Chill, Babe Candle co, we've always been committed to a great candle lighting experience, but also to sustainability and to the environment. We only get one planet, so keep...

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